Join the Boulder GS on 7 Feb 2023 at 7PM

Meeting Notice from Colorado Council of Genealogical Societies

Please join the Boulder Genealogical Society
on 7 Feb 2023 at 7PM via Zoom for:

“Creating a Family History of Lasting Value” By Thomas W. Jones, PhD, CG, FASG, FUGA, FNGS

Presentation: Most genealogists want to prepare family histories that future generations will cherish. Not all succeed. We begin to create worthwhile and accurate family histories by collecting and sharing family stories and DNA test results—information that might soon disappear. Our research progresses from that starting point toward the goal of a printed, computerized, or online family history. If we pay attention to four factors—biography, accuracy, documentation, and explanation—our history will be irreplaceable.

Speaker: Tom Jones has been pursuing his ancestry since 1963. For the first twenty-five years he was clueless about what he was trying to accomplish and how to do it. When he started climbing the genealogy learning curve he repeatedly experienced the challenges, joys, and rewards of tracing ancestors reliably and of fully understanding their lives. Tom eventually became an award-winning writer, board-certified genealogist, editor of the National Genealogical Society Quarterly, recipient of honors from genealogical organizations, and author of the popular textbooks Mastering Genealogical Documentation and Mastering Genealogical Proof. Using his nearly lifelong education career as a springboard, he enjoys teaching at weeklong genealogy institutes, weekend seminars, and local, national, and international genealogy conferences.

Speaker Recording Agreement: Speaker agrees to permit recording only by individual attendees for their private use only, with the proviso that the recordings are not to be duplicated, transcribed, or otherwise disseminated or used for meetings.

Meeting Registration: To register, go to:


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